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“High-speed Rail going out”-Social Practice Service Corps Volunteers Interview Review

来源:校团委  作者:樊治辰     日期:2014/5/20 23:55:00   点击数:5031  

There is a big echo in college after the announcement of“High-speed Rail going out”-Social Practice Service Corps Volunteers Interview Review and lots of teachers and students called for further information. Upon the deadline, the Youth League Committee received 66 application forms. Ensuring scientific, justice and equality, the Youth League Committee

would have an interview. The announcement was as follows.


A.The organization of interview review

The Youth League Committee has invited the exports from school of Civil Engineering,school of Traffic and Logistics, school of Electrical Engineering as well as the graduate faculty, the department of international cooperation and communication, the student faculty, the scientific technology branch and the Youth League Committee and so on forming an interview groups to interview the volunteers(doctor, postgraduate and undergraduate).


B.The way of interview review

 a.the doctor group

Interviewing 21 doctors met the conditions and selecting 6 doctors form them,together with 2 doctors as alternate.

 1.interview time:  21 May 15:00

 2.interview venue:  the meeting room in the second floor of three canteen in the Jiuli campus(SWJTU)

 3.interview process:

   (1)self-introduction(purpose, advantages limited in two minutes)

   (2)question and answer

 4.attention: all doctors should be there 15 minutes early and sign. Could prepare for the self-introduction messages.

 b.the postgraduate and undergraduate group

Interviewing 28 postgraduates and 21 undergraduates met the conditions and selecting 2 postgraduates and 2 undergraduates form them,together with 1 postgraduate and undergraduate individually as alternate.


C. Another

1. the list is in the attachment

2. the result will announce on the net recently

3. any question, please contact the Youth League office: Teacher li: 66367148




The Youth League Committee

20 May, 2014